Expuestos a la agresión. Prevención de la violencia laboral y gestión de conflictos con usuarios

Titel Englisch

Exposed to aggression. Prevention of violence at the workplace and principles of conflict managemnet with customers


30 Minuten


The video "Exposed to aggression", content on the DVD, can be watched as you like in full length or by chapters: 1. Causes and consequences of workplace violence 2. What can the company do? 3. What can workers do? 4. Positive coping techniques ... 5. Physical restraint 6. Epilogue The DVD also contains several real testimonials from professionals who have been assaulted. In addition to a fictitious example that recreates a conflict at work to the public, showing the before and after after applying conflict management techniques as described in the audiovisual.

Ziel und Zweck

Propose the adoption of technical and organizational measures by the company, as well as improvement of social skills and the development of strategies of emotional control by workers, as effective tools for the prevention of workplace violence.

The audiovisual introduces the need to prevent aggressions (physical or psychological) that professionals who attend patients, clients or customers in general may sense. From our experience in the field of dissemination and awareness of the prevention of work risks, by means of audiovisual programmes, we know the scope and effectiveness of these means in the modification of attitudes and the internalization of corrective measures and preventive behaviour of workers.


Professionals and employees in customer service, who care for patients, clients ... Or customers in general.

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers

MC Mutual
Calle Provenza321, Spain-8037 Barcelona
34-93405124434-934766799 www.mc-mutual.com

Kontaktdaten der Produktionsfirma

MC Mutual
Calle Provenza321, Spain-08037 Barcelona
+34(93)4051244+34(93)4766799 www.mc-mutual.com